It's getting rough, though. My theory is that the child is leeching traits such as memory and coordination from my wife to stockpile them for her own future development. I picture her actively taking memories directly from my wife's brain and placing them on the walls of H's uterus as a form of decoration. Where did the debit card go? Well unfortunately the baby needed that memory, but the good news is that she has really established a solid sense of Feng Shui in there that will help with delivery!
Off with their Fingers! |
Another result is that H has been banned from doing chores due to coordination issues. It's not doctor's orders, but it is for the safety of us all. Well meaning tasks have resulted in broken shelves, broken dishes, and just a general sense of things getting knocked over. Washing dishes the other day resulted in trip to Urgent Care as H nearly sliced off her pinky on a mandolin slicer. (In her defense, any contraption that looks like it can trace its origins back to the guillotine should never be trusted.)
The bright point is that it won't be much longer! I'm really looking forward to the date where we can start counting down to the delivery on our fingers, which will be the 15th for me... and the 16th for H.