Cleo is officially six months old! Happy half birthday Estrellita! It really seems so weird that she is finally to this point. My life before her is slowly becoming less clear and more difficult to understand; kind of like trying to remember what your life was like in college after working a real job for a few years: fuzzy, murky and with a vague feeling of contempt for the younger you who did so little with so much free time!
Ready to roll |
One of the perks for me is that she is FINALLY old enough to take out jogging with the BOB converted into jogging stroller mode. Over the last 6 months, though, I've definitely allowed myself to get out of shape, so it's going to be a process. I've heard a variety of terms for the activity of "Stroller Jogging", but I'm going to refer to it as the contracted term "Stroggling" because I'm pretty sure that's what I look like when I do it.
Random Kid: "Mommy, what is that man doing?"
Kid's Mom: "He's stroggling, sweetie."
Random Kid: "He's having trouble breathing. Is he in pain?"
Kid's Mom: "Yes, I imagine so."
Random Kid: "He's stopping now. Does he have to do this because he was bad?"
Kid's Mom: "Well, if you consider eating too many corndogs bad, then yes. He was very bad."
Random Kid: "He's crying on the ground now. Should... should we call a doctor?"
Kid's Mom: "No sweetie. It's all part of the process."
Random Kid: "I'm gonna go poke him with a stick."
Kid's Mom: "Have fun. Let mommy know if he starts twitching."

Unfortunately, what normally happens when I start jogging is that I push myself too much, injure myself, and then spend a month or two getting back out of shape. Thankfully, H is joining in on the process. She's never been a runner, so we HAVE to go slow, which is good for me.
How to keep the brakes on then? Well, we're trying out the
Zombies, Run! Couch to 5k app. I've followed this since its Kickstarter days and it's nice to finally be trying it out. It uses GPS to track your progress, occasionally sending zombies out to "chase" you. So far I've only encountered one, but it gives an added edge of excitement to your run.
The crux upon which all of this was balanced, however, was Cleo herself. How would she handle a run? This is a child who does not like the BOB. A walk is one thing, but a run? Potentially 30-40 minutes of her screaming? It would be tough to keep working out if she did that and I could easily see my enthusiasm waning.
The problem I encountered, though, was quite the opposite.
At first Cleo was fussy in the stroller. The program starts for the first week with 15 second bursts of running then about 1 minute of walking. After the first few intervals, Cleo quieted down, which was reassuring, but I didn't feel I was in the clear. About halfway in, though, I realized she wasn't doing much of anything. So I peaked around the BOB and... she was asleep.

"Huh," I thought to myself. "She must have been really tired."
However, upon my next workout, same pattern. Fuss, run, sleep. She's done that on three of my runs. The only one where she hasn't done that was a run with both H and I where H was pushing, so it must be something about MY cadence that knocks her out.
This is both good and bad. It's nice not to have to tote a screaming kid around on my jog. However, I would prefer that naptime occurred during a time where I can RELAX. Nothing like getting back from a nice, exhausting run, covered in sweat, to be greeted by a little baby yawn and smile, rested and ready for action.
Well, we reached 6 months so at least I can run. Now how long until I can make her run too?