Thursday, May 30, 2013

Photogenic Week

So more happened over the past week than I could fit into a Tuesday with Cleo post, so I thought I would just include the photos here for you all.

H and Cleo left me alone for a whole weekend and went to my mom's place.

My mom's dog Seven was extremely nervous about Cleo. He understands cats. He understands people. The concept of tiny people completely blows his mind. Here he is trying to connect with Cleo.

I just love this picture of her for some reason.

And she got to meet our friends in Bremerton (The suppliers of the Wonder Woman onesie that I often put her in when I go out.)

After that, Cleo and H rode the ferry for the first time.

My new favorite picture of H and C courtesy of our friend in Seattle.

After H and Cleo got home, Cleo and I hung out inside a lot last week due to the rain and fussiness from the shots. Here she is playing with my hair.

She got a kick out of licking my face when I got out of the shower one day. Looks like she's kissing me but it's more about the water on my face!

We did eventually venture out despite the rain though.

I took Cleo to work where she had an exisistential time playing with a co-worker's Crisis Unicorn.

Cleo was particularly fussy for one day after her shots and would scream if put down, so for his own sanity, dad decided to take a video game  in the midst of this episode.

We started baby led weaning, so Cleo is getting limited portions of what we eat for her to play with and, occasionally, put in her mouth.

H and Cleo went to another group gathering of parents for boardgames and babies

And since H and I hate having to tend to finances, H had a recommendation for a new money manager that seems to enjoy working with money.

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