Sorry for the late update. H and Cleo were gone for about four days to see family for my niece's birthday which gave me lots of free time... that resulted in me wasting said free time. You would think that more time would result in MORE productivity. The truth is that if you cut loose a jet engine from a plane in flight, it may be free but the lack of direction benefits no one. Dishes piled up in the sink! That's crazy considering I'm using 1/3 of the amount of dishes!
You had a life before me?!? Who allowed this? |
Delving back into bachelorhood really made me realize how much I have changed. Before Cleo and, to a lesser extent H, were in my life, I had time to burn. Work accounts for approximately 1/4 of your time during the week and sleep another 1/4, throw in commuting, and a single person has 80 hours of free time a week to just do whatever! These days I'm lucky to get 10 hours a week of just free time, and frankly, some of these are actually stolen from sleep time. What happens, though, is that you make the most of it. A parent is a lifehacked, super efficient, frugal time user and you get stuff done!
Sucker! |
I was trying to explain my behavior this weekend to a friend about how it's like one of those people who wins the lottery and squanders it all, except substitute time in place of money. A person living in poverty rarely lives prudently and simply like Warren Buffet when they suddenly encounter a fortune. What's more likely to happen is that they fly all of their friends to Vegas, rent out the top floor of the Bellagio, and wake up a month later with all of the money gone and actually owing a couple hundred thousand.
I did the bachelor dad equivalent of this by eating lots of takeout food and pizza rolls, leaving all the dishes and boxes scattered throughout the house, playing video games as late as I wanted, and then sleeping in late while sprawled out diagonally on the bed in order to maximize the amount of space I could take up. It wasn't until the day that H and Cleo were coming back that I actually looked at the place and had to give a resigned sigh about how much work this whole bachelor binge was going to take.
Anyhow, here are some pictures H sent me from their trip!
Cleo and her birthday cousin. |
Being cool with her aunt |
Walking on the grass |
And gets a hug from her other cousin |
Photobomb! |
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