Thursday, May 3, 2012

Diaper Commercials

I found myself today considering the merits of diaper commercials.  H and I don't have cable.  We watch mostly movies and Netflix and aren't exposed to commercials much.  A call the other day at my job resulted with mid shift having to hang out in the ER for over an hour, so my partner and I ended up watching TV in the hospital waiting room. Daytime TV.  Boring daytime TV with weird commercials designed for stay at home parents and shut ins.  That's when I found myself actually paying attention to diaper commercials.

Diaper commercials are designed eerily like auto commercials or high performance shoes.  Red lines for angry stress areas, blue for cool relief and security.  It's like a universal language advertisers have decided upon. Kind of like if Esperanto had taken off and was designed by an evil genius.  I mean, look at all the blue! What horrible parent wouldn't want their child to experience all this blue!  You want your kid to go to college?!?  How can they if you expose them to horrible red lines!!!  You Monster!!!
Don't look for red here Communists!
Soothing, gentle dolphins... with only the occasional sexual assault.
Diaper commercials have always been there, but as background fodder. Kind of like feminine hygiene commercials. I'm obviously not the target market, so they stop existing for me. Moved to the back of my mind as a priority for awareness.  Except... I'm now a dad to be.

Today was like one of those magic eye posters. It's all dots and blobs and then BAM! Unicorns and dolphins frolicking! Except for me it was watching the news and then BAM! Diapers everywhere! But sadly, no matter how many special effects you pile on an ad, diapers are just not as pleasant as dolphins and unicorns.

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