Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So we finally did it after years of putting this off!

Apologies to all friends and family who may have wanted us to have a wedding. The reality is that H and I are not big time party people. The times where we did have discussions about weddings ended up with both of us being overwhelmed and stressed out. We decided that in the end, the day is about us, and as two introverted only children, we realized that we just wanted to spend the day together. Throw in the fact that the impetus of fnally sealing the deal (the impending baby!) also ensures that the chances of us getting exclusive time to each other in the coming years will be slim, and we decided a laid back elopement weekend was the best choice!

So we started out on Sunday with a trip down to Bend, stopping to play disc golf and have a picnic on the way to check in at the Old St Francis School.

Such a nice day
Water break!
Then dinner then soaking pool (H went to bed early, so I watched Cabin in the Woods at the the hotel theater later)
Soo relaxing
Next was a laid back breakfast (I got to watch the Euros during it too!), then just hanging out at the hotel room and drinking coffee.

Eventually we got around to, you know, getting married and all.  The appointment  was at 2pm at the courthouse.

My "Earl" picture
No cold feet!
We had the ceremony performed by a local judge and she was great!  She confessed she had some anxiety about our wedding since H had referred to me as her partner, and with my androgenous name, she was relieved to see that she hadn't promised a marriage to two women that she couldn't deliver on! (Hopefully someday that won't even be an issue!)
With this ring

I now pronounce you

Soo happy!

You may kiss the bride!


God I love her!

So I know what some of you might be saying.  "Guys, it's not really a wedding unless the bride and groom dance together."  Well suck it traditionalists!

Why are we playing DDR?  Because logically, you follow a wedding up with a place that has mini golf, right? (This more than anything else explains why a traditional wedding just wouldn't work for us!) First you have to decide who goes first via fencing.

Then you have to use a driver to get to the green.

Then there's the stylish strolling around the grounds.

And finally, a confrontation with The Dread Gazebo that stole my hole in 1!

And back to the hotel to relax.


Good stuff!
Seriously? While I'm eating?

Then back to the hotel, back to the soaking pool, and drinks by the courtyard fire pit.

All in all a truly wonderful day!  H and I are so happy right now!  Since this is kind of an oddball way to get married, we checked in with each other a lot today and were both relieved that neither one of us was having regrets about doing things this way.  We were delighted, the weekend was wonderful, and everything was great!  More pictures to those who ask for them!


  1. Hmmm - I think that girl already looks pregnant!!! Anyway, big congratulations and it sounds like you had a wonderful time.


  2. More happy news from you two! I can't think of a more appropriate event to stay true to yourself and do what you want! Congratulations! More pictures would be awesome, but I think we are due for an in-person visit = soon!

  3. Congratulations guys! Sapna and I are super happy for you both.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats you two. Can't wait to see you soon.
