The sun comes at a terrible price, though, which is this:
What's with the green carpet? |
I've kind of kept track and it seems that Cleo averages about two good days out of three, or about two to three bad days a week. To be honest, Cleo's bad days really aren't that bad, but she does require extra attention and is super fussy. Tuesday was looking like a bad day despite the sunny 70 degree weather, so I wanted to stay in.
Then I began to feel the Call of the Sun. It's a peppy and optimistic call, kind of like Rob Lowe's character in Parks and Recreation, urging you to partake in all of the goodness that a sunshiny day can offer! However, I was still suspicious that Cleo was not having a good day, so I put off making plans for the day despite the call. I then felt the Nagging of the Grey, which is much more powerful than the Call of the Sun, less considerate of your needs, and sounds a lot more like Aubrey Plaza's character in Parks and Rec with a dose of disapproving Nick Offerman stare. It was whispering into my ear that by not taking Cleo out, I was being a bad father. So, sighing to myself, I decided to head out.
Cleo "enjoying" the good weather |
Portland has a lot of parks to choose from, but I'm not sure which one is best for a baby. The only one I know for certain that I can rule out is Mill Ends Park since it's about the size of a large potted plant (Portland weird at it's best before Portland started trying too hard to be weird). Other than that, I've judged parks in the past based on access to fun stuff. I have no idea how to judge which one is the best to put a baby on a blanket in.
The other is sunscreen. Like many things involved in parenting, the internet is one big infestation of conflicting opinions ranging from accusing you of being a heartless bastard for putting toxic chemicals on your baby to being an ignorant Luddite for exposing her to the deadly radiation of the sun with no protective exo-layer developed by men in labcoats. I find this all confusing. I'm not opposed to using sunscreen, but I'm also pretty sure that people were having babies for thousands of years prior to the invention of sunscreen and I'm like 99.9% positive that there was a sun back then. So as with many of these dilemmas, I read stuff online written by overly polarized people frothing at the mouth from agenda rabies who shortly after writing their articles are then put down by animal control when they would run outside snarling and biting people while terrorizing the populace, I then get massively frustrated, and finally I say "Screw it" and leave after dressing Cleo for the weather as best as I can, figuring I'll learn as I go.
Thank Jeebus that's over! |
Of course, the problem with learn as you go is that I have to make mistakes to learn form. Cleo remained fussy (wrong day), I picked a park that was overly laden with shirtless hipsters playing frisbee (wrong park), I went out in the middle of the day (wrong time), I set up in an under-shaded area and after five minutes I realized this and moved (wrong place) and despite her fussiness I insisted on trying out the baby on blanket in the park (wrong... everything).
It was pretty much an unmitigated disaster. After a calm beginning allowing me to get the blanket set up with all of her toys, it then became a scream fest. Realizing I should have set up more in the shade, I then had to, while holding her and trying to keep her sun hat on, kick all of her toys and the blanket into the shaded area. Still cranky, I bottle fed her for a bit which worked briefly, but then she started back up with the screaming. Keep in mind that the park was crowded and Cleo is LOUD. I don't give up easily, so I tried distracting her with toys for a while before packing up in defeat. She also screamed during my entire retreat from the exercise; possibly even louder as if me giving up somehow enraged her more than me trying to keep us there. It was all mildly traumatizing for me but I feel like I learned a lot. Hopefully when the sight of the picnic blanket stops giving me flashbacks, I'll be willing to try it out again!